Whether you’ve moved to a new city or simply outgrown the one crowd you’re in, at one point or another you somehow realize that it’s really freaking hard to make friends. Think about it: when you were a kid, you made friends geographically. But what happens when you become an adult and your friends aren’t in the same proximity or you don’t share the same interests?

I’m all about a good life hack and even better? A productivity life hack! Finding ways to make your lives more simple is kinda why the sole purpose of this blog. For the past 3 months, I’ve been testing and trying out the top Google Chrome Extensions that you can add to your browser to make things just a bit easier and help you own the productivity game. FYI – these only work on Google Chrome and not on Firefox or Safari. And in case you are using Internet Explorer… congrats! You’re the last person on Earth doing so…