Wilting Flower
Are You In A Toxic Friendship?

Adult friendships can be one of the hardest things to navigate. While it seems like…

Friends Beer
Why Making Friends As An Adult Is So Hard

Whether you’ve moved to a new city or simply outgrown the one crowd you’re in, at one point or another you somehow realize that it’s really freaking hard to make friends. Think about it: when you were a kid, you made friends geographically. But what happens when you become an adult and your friends aren’t in the same proximity or you don’t share the same interests?

Sticky Notes
Genius Ways To Find Time In The Day

Busy seems like an understatement these days. I’m not on the go and I know…


BFF – best friends forever. You know the drill. Maybe you had a keychain or…

Google Chrome Extensions That Will Change Your Life

I’m all about a good life hack and even better? A productivity life hack! Finding ways to make your lives more simple is kinda why the sole purpose of this blog. For the past 3 months, I’ve been testing and trying out the top Google Chrome Extensions that you can add to your browser to make things just a bit easier and help you own the productivity game. FYI – these only work on Google Chrome and not on Firefox or Safari. And in case you are using Internet Explorer… congrats! You’re the last person on Earth doing so…