It’s crazy how fast time flies by! You’ve probably realized your little one is growing so quickly and already moving in and out of favorite items. If you didn’t see my 0-3 month favorites, make sure you read it here.
Now let’s move on to the next three months, these items started around the 3-month mark but stayed for ages (a few of them I still use after a year!) Ready? Let’s go!
Related: What Baby Brands & Products We Chose For Our Little One
Tubby Todd All Over Ointment
I started using this because Mila had some baby eczema and spots popping up on her face around the three-month mark. When I asked for recommendations from friends, nothing came more recommended than this ointment. We now have 5 little jars on hand and we call it “Mila’s Skincare Routine” when we apply it to her face every night before bed. It really does work for everything. We still use it at the one-year mark.
Sophie The Giraffe
Sophie was one of the first real “toys” we got for Mila and it was a gift. That’s important because honestly, I probably would have never shelled out $20+ for a rubber giraffe, but man the kid LOVES it!
It’s something about the shape of the toy that makes babies so crazy for it. They love to chew on all of the legs and the neck. There’s nothing like, if you’re looking for a gift for a friend – this is the one to get. We still rotate this out amongst her toys at the one-year mark and she gets so excited when she sees it.
Related: My Baby Registry Must-Haves
Lovevery Mat
This is something I had before Mila was born, but didn’t pop it out until around the 3-month mark. We ended up using it every single day for about 6 months. She loved doing tummy time on it and the mat was neutral enough for my taste.
I think it’s important to mention that it had so many sensory goals like touch and sound plus a space to add mirror cards which Mila LOVED.
When you’re in the new parent stage of life so little seems to be in your control, it’s nice to still love your home and not feel like it’s overpowered by baby items. The color of the mat was tasteful and not too obnoxious. The mat folds away easily for storage at the end of the day. We kept one of these from Target in the living room and kept books, toys, and even the playmat there.
Magic Merlin Sleepsuit
I can tell you the exact moment I bought the Magic Merlin Sleepsuit – it was on vacation when Mila was 3.5 months old. Why 3.5 months? Because that’s when our 4-month sleep regression hit — and it hit hard! Mila was transitioning from 2 sleep cycles to 4 sleep cycles and was easily woken up overnight.
She was waking herself up from her startle reflex and I started reading about the sleepsuit online. It is not weighted which is a big thing in the safe sleep world and helped us transition out of the swaddle. This really helped with her startle reflex and we kept her in a sleep suit until about 6 months when we moved her into a sleep sack.
Related: The ONLY Three Swaddles You Need for Your Baby
The Going To Bed Book
We truly started Mila’s nighttime routine around the 3-month mark. We say prayers, take her upstairs, give her a massage, then a bath, and say some affirmations in the mirror, book, bottle/breast, and bed. This book is been with us since the 3-month mark, and honestly, we probably need a new copy. It’s beaten up, guess that’s a good sign?
If you want more of my favorite book suggestions, there’s a whole list that I made here.
Related: Everything Baby Shop Page
Final Thoughts
I hope this post helps you find a few little things to enjoy this special time with your little one. For us, Mila’s personality really came out in that 4-6 month mark and they get so cute! Enjoy your little ones, they truly grow up so fast!