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The ONLY Three Swaddles You Need for Your Baby

The ONLY Three Swaddles You Need for Your Baby


Well, we tried them all. From being gifted swaddles, sent swaddles from companies, and an endless list of recommendations from friends and family – I swear we tested every single swaddle. Here are the only three that you need.

As always, this is what worked for us. When I share information here, it’s to help you as a friend in your parenthood journey. I know how overwhelming it can be with the never-ending barrage of product recommendations so as I approach a milestone I want to share what I learned in hopes that it will help another parent.

Related: My First Trimester Must Haves & Frequently Asked Questions

The Mushie Swaddle

I honestly got this one because it was kinda cute, but quickly found it to be the most used swaddle in the early days. We had a nurse who helped us for a bit and she loved how large this swaddle was. Mila had a case of the “newborn curl” which kinda looks like they are going to roll onto their side.

Not only does this set of ceramic-coated cookware have everything you need, it comes in a bunch of colors that look good in any kitchen.

As a new parent, you know that it’s important to keep babies on their backs, so since this swaddle is larger, you’re able to keep them centered and stop that curling motion.

We used this one almost exclusively for the first few weeks.

Shop the Mushie swaddle here

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This one came to me from a recommendation from a fellow mom, and once we finally started using it – we never stopped. If you are familiar with Moms on Call – they swear by their method of swaddling. To the point where they tell you that their method is the key to getting your baby to sleep. Well, the miracle blanket is the same concept – simplified.

I just went over to my girlfriend Lauren’s house and she had the Miracle Blanket and I was telling her about how it was a lifesaver for us. She said that once they used it, it helped keep their sweet baby asleep longer too.

You use a bit of an over-under motion to get them strapped in there. This YouTube video shows you how.

Shop the Miracle Blanket here

Related: My Second Trimester Must Haves & Frequently Asked Questions

This swaddle came from our registry and was even back ordered for a bit so I wasn’t sure I would get my hands on it. My sister used the Ollie religiously with her son and I can see why.

It’s essentially a straitjacket for your baby. I think the first time I took it out was in the middle of the night because I could not figure out why she kept breaking out of her swaddle!

See Also

While you as parents will most likely become swaddle pros, the Ollie is great for when grandma or a friend is watching the baby. It’s essentially foolproof and great for someone who just wants the path of least resistance.

Shop the Ollie Swaddle here

Related: My Baby Registry Must Haves

I hope this helps you narrow down your search while prepping for a baby. It’s an exciting time, but can feel so overwhelming – trust me, I’ve been there. Be sure to check out some of my other posts to help you along this adventure:

What Helped Me Avoid Postpartum Depression *I Think*

My Labor & Delivery Story

10 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About After Birth

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