To level-set I think that every couple should work to find their own groove, learn each other’s love languages and actively pursue communication with their partner. In my experience, the concept of unsolicited marriage advice is pretty common. But do these words of wisdom hold any merit in a new age of love & relationships?
Getting engaged can be one of the happiest times of your life. We often think that counseling is something that you do when things don’t work out, but this premarital therapy is actually beneficial before you tie the knot. Because the last thing you want to do is to say “I do…. I think?” Here’s what you need to know and what experts say. . .
No matter what your relationship status is, we’ve all watched one too many rom-coms that promise a slightly winding but relatively clear path to love. While I am self-diagnosed as the exception to every rule, I do know that things are generally not as simple as the movies and every path to love has it’s challenges. Across the board, people are getting married later in life and have established themselves as individuals before becoming a family. There are so many advantages to this, but also some inadvertent challenges.One question that everyone in a serious relationship asks at some point or another will be “how long before I know if this is forever?” The storybook answer is, of course…
Some women love beards. I am *not* one of those women, at least not on my man. While a little scruff is sexy, the stubble quickly turns to sting anytime you want to lean in for some snuggle time. As a woman who hates beard burn and married to a man who hates to shave, we needed a compromise—and we found one…
In a time where your days are plagued with computer time and your nights are…