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6 Natural (& Effective) Ways to Hydrate Your Skin Almost Instantly

6 Natural (& Effective) Ways to Hydrate Your Skin Almost Instantly

Dry Skin

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had chronically dry skin and the need to hydrate skin. In fact, I have vivid memories of me lying next to my mom and sister watching fantastic 90s rom-coms in bed, like Runaway Bride and Miss Congeniality, and my mom would use the tip of her long nails and carefully draw the letters “D-R-Y” on my legs. I couldn’t feel it, but boy could I see it. My skin was always dry, and either I was too much of a teenager to do something about it or I just didn’t know what products I truly needed to use. Let’s pretend it was the latter. #lazyteens


The good news is that not only is there an abundance of information out there but there are products that are designed for people who are more prone to dry skin. Aside from just products, there are small changes you can make to ensure that your skin stays hydrated year-round. Here are 6 natural ways that are easy to tackle dry skin today:

Natural Remedies To Hydrate Skin


There is a world of products out there, so be intentional with whatever you choose to put on your skin. Some products can be extremely drying to your skin, especially if you are using things with glycol or salicylic acid (acne-treating). Be sure to rotate them with more hydrating products, like hyaluronic acid.

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Asian skin is known for being magical (K-beauty, anyone?) and what do so many beauty experts swear by? The double cleanse! Use a cleansing balm to remove your makeup before you wash your face. I’ve included some of my favorites below. The recommendation is to use an oil-based cleanser first and then follow with a milk or gel-based cleanser.


Two things that have been on my new year’s resolutions list for the last decade: 1) run a 5k and 2) drink more water. We forget that our bodies are made of water and every organ needs hydration from the inside, out. Choose foods high in water content like watermelon, apples, oranges, kiwi, and cucumbers.


Even though hot showers and baths can feel great, they aren’t the best for your skin. Opt for lukewarm water, especially when washing your face, to avoid stripping necessary oils away from your skin.



Your skin needs moisture all the time but especially right after you wash it. The trick to hydrating skin? A good moisturizer will brighten your complexion and enhance the skin’s natural radiance. The key ingredient? Hyaluronic acid. Sounds scary, but it’s quite the opposite. Hyaluronic acid is essential to keeping your skin moisturized because it protects the skin cells and allows them to continue with cell production i.e. creating smoother and thicker skin cells. My personal favorites are linked below.

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Remember to choose products that have natural formulas free of paraben, mineral oil, sulfates, gluten, GMOs, and harsh chemicals. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and needs to be treated with care. Remember it doesn’t have to be expensive to be effective. Skin sensitivity has shown up in all forms, from acute dermatitis to eczema, so the more natural the products, the better. Learn to read the labels all the products that go into and onto your body, and look for warning signs of things that shouldn’t be there in order to best hydrate skin.