I remember when I was younger and I watched this couple sitting near the window seats on a flight to Europe. I I was only 8 and my mom and I had a stopover on our way to Pakistan. The couple was mesmerizing. They laughed and giggled, slept on each other’s shoulder’s and even watched a movie together. I remember thinking that one day I was going to be able to travel with my soulmate and we would be borderline sappy. Fast forward more than 20 years and I feel so blessed to be able to travel with my husband often. I’d be lying if I said it was only fun & games. Traveling can cause stress and tension in relationships if you aren’t mindful of certain things. Here are the things you should focus on before you plan your next trip with your beau…

Some women love beards. I am *not* one of those women, at least not on my man. While a little scruff is sexy, the stubble quickly turns to sting anytime you want to lean in for some snuggle time. As a woman who hates beard burn and married to a man who hates to shave, we needed a compromise—and we found one…

I’ve been getting so many questions about Sahir and I’s relationship, so this is a quick rapid-fire segment where we get short & sweet answers to burning questions about “the little things” in your relationship. This column has brought so much joy into my life and I love being able to share tidbits of my life with Sahir. If you ever wondered if we have any traditions, what the best way to end a fight is, or…