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What To Know Before Traveling With Your Beau

What To Know Before Traveling With Your Beau


I remember when I was younger and I watched this couple sitting near the window seats on a flight to Europe. I was only 8 and my mom and I had a stopover on our way to Pakistan. The couple was mesmerizing. They laughed and giggled, slept on each other’s shoulder’s and even watched a movie together. I remember thinking that one day I was going to be able to travel with my soulmate and we would be borderline sappy. Fast forward more than 20 years and I feel so blessed to be able to travel with my husband often. I’d be lying if I said it was only fun & games. Traveling can cause stress and tension in relationships if you aren’t mindful of certain things. Here are the things you should focus on before you plan your next trip with your beau.

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Favorite Vacation Together?

One of the questions I get asked most is what has my favorite trip been. Honestly, I thought it was going to Thailand, but nope – still the honeymoon. There was something magical about immediately getting away from all of the madness of the wedding week and just being together. Sahir and I went to a few cities in Europe on our honeymoon. We started in Barcelona, flew to Granada, back to Barcelona, and got on a 7-day cruise to France, Italy, Montenegro, and Athens. We ended our trip with 3 days in Santorini and it was the perfect finale.


Our trip was so magical, from waking up every morning to the most extravagant breakfast on our patio in Santorini to hiking the fortress of Montenegro, and even making our own wish in the Trevi fountain in Rome – It was the most memorable 14 days of my life. Vacations are tough now because the bar is set so high!


So many things can cause stress when planning a vacation, but the last thing you want is to ruin your big trip with unnecessary tension. I swear by these 3 rules on how to stay aligned, build on your connection and have a kickass trip.

Let Each Other Explore Their Interests

I studied abroad in Spain in college and I always wanted Sahir to come back with me to see my favorite city, Granada. We went to Alhambra and climbed the fortress and even scoured the city to find this small hole in the wall restaurant that I went to 5 years ago and after hours we actually found it! I walked through a corridor and I just knew that this street (although it was identical to the other 10 streets we were just on) was the one. Sahir was so patient with me about being adamant about finding this restaurant. We eventually found it and had an incredible time. It’s amazing that I was able to let my body guide me based on memories to places that “seemed familiar”. I still can’t believe we found it.

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Split the Planning Process

I get it. He hates to plan and you love it – or vice versa, but there is true benefit in making sure that you are both involved in the planning process. It can get tedious to be the only one who is picking restaurants, planning excursions, booking flights, and finding hotels. Sahir and I like to do it by day or by city. Split the chores and no matter what, don’t criticize the other for their part. Hotels can look wildly different in photos and reviews can be misleading, just enjoy your time together and don’t be too picky!



Get Aligned on Your Priorities For Each City

Traveling on your own means that you get to do what you want, when you want to do it. Not so much when you are on a couple’s trip. For goodness sake – do not be the girl who turns her man into an Instagram husband the entire trip. – Yes, this is coming from a blogger. Take the picture and move on, you don’t need 60 shots of the same pose, you’re likely going to pick one of the first 5 anyways. 

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If it’s important for you to have shots in a certain city then look into hiring a local photographer and compromise on going to a bull-fighting or sporting event in return. Make a list of the places and things that you both want to do in each city and prioritize around that.