Travel season is upon us and whether you’re stocking up on swimwear or buried in blankets, you need to know about the accessory that everyone is talking about. After using this for a couple months, I’m confident in my review and I know that you’ll love it too. I’ll cut to the chase and let you know that it’s under $20 and from your favorite doorstep fairy, Amazon. You’re welcome.

I love exploring cities when I visit. I’m the person that wants to be out on the town right after breakfast and not return to the room until nightfall. The problem is that my feet usually can’t keep up with my “can-do” attitude. I did so much research before this trip. Like, ridiculous amounts of research. My Google search history is embarrassing. I realized that I really liked the look of White Converse shoes, but when I wore them I realized that they nail “cute” but “comfort” is not their thing. Fair enough. Then I found…

My sister and brother in law were actually the masterminds behind this impromptu trip to Mexico City. They planned a much-needed family vacation for our side of the family. Both my sister and I travel more often with our in-laws so it was nice to do this one trip with our mom! They are both travel gurus and go to the most incredible places and always find the best insider tips. Sahir and I knew that this trip would be one that we would have to do little to no planning and everything would be perfect because those two are amazing when it comes to this kinda thing…