The Art of the Double Cleanse

At its core: Double Cleansing is literally just cleaning your face twice. There are a couple of different ways to do this, but first…

The Real Difference Between Blackheads v. Whiteheads

Two of the many terrors that can plague your skin on the daily are blackheads and whiteheads, but aside from their nominal difference, what keeps these two spawns of Satan in different categories? How do we keep treat them and prevent them from wreaking havoc on our skin?

I Tried Physician’s Formula’s New Organic Line – & I have thoughts.

Drugstore beauty usually doesn’t scream bells and whistles for the average customer. You don’t expect…

Beauty Blender
Uh Hello. You Are Using Your Beauty Blender Wrong.

Somewhere between the introduction of the first iPhone and the last Harry Potter book being published, the world of makeup was turned on its side with the invention of the beauty blender. This vibrant, egg-shaped sponge carried a hefty $20 price tag, but was soon a household name when virtually every makeup artist on the planet vouched for it as a “must-have”. While you may be using yours on a daily basis or digging it out from the depths of your makeup drawer for special occasions, I’m here to share some of the most common mistakes that people are making when using their beauty blender – yes, I mean you…

I Tried Nearly $1000 of Drunk Elephant Products – Here’s My Honest Opinion

I was ecstatic – no, that’s not ___ enough, I was over the moon when…

Professional Makeup Artist & CEO shares what’s in her makeup bag

There’s nothing more interesting to me than to read about what professionals in their field…

Your Biggest Questions About Laser Hair Removal – Finally Answered

Like many before me and many after, the amount of melanin in my skin is…

The Makeup Products I Completely Emptied

It seems like we’re always chasing what’s new, but for regular girls like me who aren’t makeup artists or doing tons of looks on different people every week – it seems like what’s more important to share are the tried and true products that I keep coming back to. So here it goes:

The Best Drugstore Finds From Physicians Formula

Did you know that the FDA does not regulate the cosmetic industry? Since then, I’ve been super particular about the brands that I wear. Physicians Formula is not only a drugstore brand, but they are allergen and paraben free. If you are getting started with Physicians Formula, I recommend these 5 products…

Instagram’s Top Makeup Artists Share Beauty Secrets For WOC

Ever wanted to know the trade secrets of professional makeup artists? Me too! I grew…