I’ve been a dancer my entire life. I dabbled between traditional dance, figure skating, step, cheerleading, and even adult gymnastics but I never found anything quite like being in the studio. Even without formal training as a child, dance just made sense to me. Connecting the mind with the body to music was natural and even when it wasn’t comfortable, like trying ballet as a 16-year-old for the first time, I enjoyed the challenge that is brought both mentally and physically.
Now more than ever, there has been a push to focus on logic over creativity. In your work life, family life, and even starting in the classroom. Students are finding that funding for the arts is extremely limited and programs focusing on visual arts, writing, and music are usually the first on the chopping block. As someone who truly believes in the power of art, I think it is a task we must take upon ourselves to actively choose creativity and make it a priority.
The truth is that more often than not, we don’t get to choose our childhood. Some of us were forced into music lessons that we had limited interest in and others dreamed of the opportunity to take a proper painting class. As adults, we have the ability to choose our hobbies and how we invest our time. Creative outlets are a great way to connect inspiration with action. Nowadays we are able to find seamless connections between art and daily life like @LIFEWTR’s beautiful LIFEWTR “Art Beyond Borders” Series 4 bottles that prove the inspiration can be found anywhere. There are so many benefits for being innovative in your free time, here are 4 reasons why you should choose creativity:
Many of us work jobs that require us to be at computers for almost the entire day. Even when we relax at home we often turn on yet another screen. The connection that art requires as a mental and physical connection can challenge your body in a healthy way.

One of the best parts of being an artist is being able to connect with likeminded people and sharing your art with your community. As a dancer, I love meeting other dancers who feel just as passionately as I do about my craft. There is nothing better than performance day and being able to bring joy into people’s lives. LIFEWTR does a fantastic job with this, even with their bottles. LIFEWTR showcases different emerging artists artwork on it’s bottle every three months and the bottles featured in my photos are actually from three student artists! (You can support the artists and pick one up at your local 7-Eleven)
You have to train your mind to see things differently, and you have to celebrate it when it happens. You can have any profession and be creative. The way you have to step outside of yourself to see the bigger picture has nothing to do with your line of work. It’s applicable everywhere.

We fall victim to routine and creativity is a way of living life that embraces originality and making unique connections. Being able to use your hands, feet, and body to create something, is a special kind of innovation. When you get out of your rut and challenge your mind to create you will grow mentally, emotionally, and physically.
LIFEWTR has been a pioneer in advocating for the arts. They have been working with Scholastic to provide classroom art kits and help communities where youth to not have access to art programs. You can pick one up at an of the convenient 7-Eleven locations near you and find more LIFEWTR inspiration here!
This post was created in partnership with LIFEWTR to help you embrace your most creative self. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.