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A Surefire Solution To Gym-Proof Your Hair

A Surefire Solution To Gym-Proof Your Hair

Jumping Rope, Dumbbell, Shoes

We’ve all been there. You mustered up all of your strength to go to the gym or a workout class. It’s been a long day, you’re hungry and cranky – but you did it and you’re there. The hard part is over? Right? Showing up is most of the battle, they say! You get onto the treadmill – read to crush it.

First 10 seconds, things seem great! You’re a powerhouse! This will be easy!

Second 10 seconds, hmm my hair seems like it’s getting looser. No worries, just focus.

30 seconds in, this damn bird’s nest, on the top of my head, will fall any second…

31 seconds in, yup. Here we go. Anyone got a hair tie? I need a 4th! No one? Okay cool. I’ll just suffer in silence.

35 seconds in, Are we done yet?

Related: This Brilliant Hair Hack Is Perfect For Third Day Hair

Long hair? Yes, I care. Because it hurts! As if tension headaches weren’t real enough (yes, they’re a thing) the only thing worse than dealing with an unsupportive sports bra, is an unsupportive bun on the top of your head that is the first to give up on the workout. How many times do you re-tie your hair during a workout? Survey says, “over 3” That’s madness and there’s a better way.

See Also
The Best Shampoo & Hair Mask Combination Based on your Hair Types

The split twist bun (yes, I just named that – creative names are not my specialty. This blog is named Simply Sabrina for a reason) is so easy to recreate. All you need is a hair tie and 2 spin pins. If I had a dollar for every time I recommended spin pins – jeez, I’d get extra avocado all the time! If you’re still holding out, I hope this video convinces you. 1 Spin Pin = 6 Bobby Pins. It’s simple math.

Related: I Found The Perfect Drugstore Product To Fix Your Brassy Brunette Color At Home

Pro-tip: If you find that you have stray hairs sticking out, spend a few minutes curling the ends of your hair before putting it into a ponytail. It may seem counterproductive, but it’ll be worth it. When you curl ends together it keeps them from falling out of the hairstyle as easily.

Ultimately, no matter what you do, just remember this. Keep your hair off of your neck. Whether you need spin pins, a headband or 6 hair ties – the neck is off limits. Unless it’s hair-washing day, stay away from the cute boxer braids or forsaken Ariana Grande sleek half ponytail (Side to Side is just a music video!) Dry shampoo does God’s work, but miracles can only go so far.