What would you do if you had all the time in the world? Most people say that they would pick up a hobby that they enjoy. Maybe they would start to bake, learn a new language, or just read for pleasure. The harsh reality of adulthood is that we rarely get time to read leisurely and nowadays, there is a high cost involved. While not everyone values books, those of us who do enjoy reading know that the cost of books has gone up significantly. Amazon and other companies have profited off of a very lucrative field and our hobbies are costing more money.
I, too, was also the victim of a $14.95 monthly fee in order to check off my “Read 12 books this year” resolution that I would set for myself every year. That is until I figured out how to get those books for free.
Book authors, like other creators, need to be paid for their work, and that why I am completely against getting books illegally. But what if I told you that you could get free books, audiobooks, newspapers, and other literary materials completely for free? The thing is, you already know the secret.
How To Get Audiobooks for Free
When was the last time you visited your local library? I know you just giggled. It’s okay, it had been a while for me too. The magic is right in front of your eyes. Your local library. Now, I know what you are thinking, “who has time to go to the library?” Wasn’t the lack of time how we got here, to begin with? What if I told you that you never have to set foot in the library to get books for free? Okay good, now I have your attention.
How Libraries Get Free Books & Audiobooks
The truth is, they don’t. Libraries have a collection development staff whose job it is to stock the shelves. They work with standing orders, publications, best-seller lists, and industry conferences to make sure that they stock the content that readers are looking for. After they make their lists, they buy the books. For popular titles, most libraries buy multiple copies to meet demand and they buy them in different formats like physical books, ebooks, audio CDs, etc.
Why Do Libraries Have Limited Copies of eBooks & Audiobooks?
Audiobooks and electric books are a little different because while libraries aren’t buying the physical copy of the book, they are buying the license. Libraries may buy 4 licenses for a book which is why a waiting period can occur, even when you’re looking for an electronic book on an app. Other things that contribute to wait times are the terms of the licenses. For example, how long the book can be lent out, how many loans they can give, and other details.
What You Need To Get Free Books
Your local library can give you access to “rent” or “borrow” audiobooks for a set amount of time, directly from your phone – all you need is a library card and either the “Libby”, “Hoopla Digital”, or “Overdrive” app on your compatible device: a Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android tablet or phone, etc.
What To Know When Renting Audiobooks & eBooks from The Library
Even though eBooks and audiobooks are digital, libraries treat them like any other book and stock only a limited amount of “copies”. They also only allow only one person to check out each copy at any given time. So, depending on the size of your library, how popular a title is, and how many audiobooks are stocked, you may see really long wait times. You usually have 14 days to read the book before you have to “return” it to the library.
Your local library may require you to come into the location and show your ID in order to get a library card, but many websites offer the option to complete a library card application online. Once you have your library card you will have access to a number of literary materials.
Types of Content You Can Get For Free with a Library Card
- eBooks
- Audiobooks
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Lynda.com
- BookFlix
If you love to read but want to save some money, check out your local library. It will help boost activity to keep those locations funded for the community and you will save some money on audiobooks & eBooks.