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How To Wear A Bodysuit

How To Wear A Bodysuit


When I was packing for LA, I knew that I wanted to dress a little out of my element. That concept is probably one of the best parts of being on vacation: sampling new styles and dressing for the city you are in. (You remember me in Paris!) I had my heart set on trying a bodysuit for the first time. Problem was, I didn’t own one. I tried tucking in a black cami, a one piece swimsuit, and even went into the drawer of wedding lingerie – but no luck. Naturally, it was about an hour before I had to leave for the airport – duh, that’s the best time to pack – and I knew that shopping wasn’t an option. Then, I got creative. 






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I knew that I had taken a box of old memories when I moved out of my mom’s house when I got married and inside that box – there it was. My 9th-grade dance leotard. Just like I remembered it. Thick material, bodycon style, and a deep lace V in the back. Miraculously, it was perfect. The mystery of how it still fit me, I will never understand but I guess that dance material is pretty forgiving. 

I wonder if that’s what my mom meant when she used to say, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

I was so excited to wear this outfit when we were out and about in LA. Check out my LA Travel Guide and the amazing experience we had celebrating our anniversary in the city of angels. In the meantime, be sure to check out my Chicago travel guide and don’t miss Austin either!