Science tells us that your brain caps off it’s second and last growth spurt in your 20s as it rewires itself for adulthood. So anything we want to change about ourselves, should happen now. It’s a fact that 85% of life’s most transformative moments happen before you are 35, so now is the time to take control. As 30 starts looming over my head, I realize that there are certain things we’ve just got to lock down when it comes to adulting. I’ve pretty much given up on being able to fold a fitted sheet, but I think there’s still hope when it comes to skincare and productivity. Here are 6 habits that you need to start in your 20s…

Lately, I’ve been reading more and more “self-help” books which is interesting because I never considered this type of content to be up my alley. Nowadays with life being so busy, I try to use every minute of “downtime” to work towards bettering myself and I’ve learned a lot along the way. There are small things that you can do to put your mind at ease and get more done while staying happy. Mental health is so important and I strongly believe in taking care of yourself (even when…

What would you do if you had all the time in the world? Read more? The harsh reality of adulthood is that we rarely get time to read leisurely and as much as we want to – it usually doesn’t happen. Audible knows this and hence the billion dollar podcast/audiobook industry was born.
I was also the victim of $14.95 monthly fee in order to check off my “read 12 books this year” resolution until I figured out how to get those books (legally) for free….

I get it. We’re all busy. It’s tough to make it to the gym or a studio class. Time is scarce between work, school, family, and extra curriculars. And sometimes the $30/pop for a class just isn’t feasible. The good news it that there are so many great free programs available online that you can do in the comfort of your own home with little to no equipment. Here are my favorites…