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6 Month PUPDATE with Theo

6 Month PUPDATE with Theo


You’ve already met Theo here  & seen him here, but now you get to know the whole story behind the newest addition to our family. In my latest YouTube video, I’m sharing all of the deets about Theo. What kind of dog he is, why we got him, things he loves, and things we love about him! In this video, Theo was about 6 months old which is a sensitive month for a male dog – if you get my drift. He just had his first grooming so he was much less fluffy then he normally is. (Seriously, we usually can’t even see his eyes) When we went to pick him up from his first groom, I kid you not, I did not recognize him. If he didn’t jump at me and lick me I would have sent him back and told them they gave me the wrong dog! He looked SO different! Theo is 75% poodle so his fur is actually hair and it is so fluffy. It was heartbreaking to see him trimmed like that, but he didn’t seem to mind much.

Theo is the star of my Instagram stories nearly every day so if you aren’t following along there, be sure to follow me for lots of daily PUPdates! If you have a dog or have any advice to get through these last few months of puppy time, please send them my way! We are dealing with some rug chewing, lots of random barking, and jumping on guests to greet them!