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11 Men Share The Moment They Knew Their Partner Was The One

11 Men Share The Moment They Knew Their Partner Was The One

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Want to know what my favorite part of every wedding is? It’s the vows. It’s when an otherwise stoic man gets choked up as he declares how much the woman standing in front of him means to him. I love it. The whole thing gives me chills up and down my spine, (the good kind).

But while this moment is extra special, it got me thinking about the journey to the altar. How does a man go from leaving a girl on “read” to reading his vows? Well, what better way than to go straight to the source.

I asked #thesimplysquad who were either married or engaged to send their partners a quick survey asking about their love. I asked questions like how long did it take you to know your partner was “the one” and “what was that moment” — want to know what they said? I’ll share some of the best ones.

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11 Men Share The Moment They Knew They Had Found “The One”

Married, 6 months in – My wife and I were on a walk outside in the snow on Valentine’s Day. I didn’t wear the right shoes and had cold feet (literally), but I kept walking and didn’t complain because I was having so much fun just talking to her. I didn’t want the night to end. That’s when I knew.

Married, 3 months in – The time she told me to text when I got home safely.  That moment I knew. It’s just hard to explain.

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Married, 6 months in – When we traveled together for the first time and had to get out of our comfort zones. Every single thing was going wrong. Our flights were delayed, the hotel I booked didn’t have our reservation, we lost our luggage – but she didn’t complain at all. She made a bad situation better and I knew she was the one I wanted by my side in all my bad situations.

Married, 3 months in – I got in a bad accident and broke my leg. She stayed with me and took care of me during my recovery. That’s how I knew.

Engaged, 1 year in – My fiancé is normally a very collected and reserved person. But the first time she put her guard down and let me take care of her was the moment that let me to believe she is the one.

Engaged, 1 year in – My grandfather passed away and even though we had had a big bad fight, she came over to console me.  I never wanted to lose her.

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Married, 3 months in – The first time I saw her with her grandma- she was so caring.

Married, 1 month in – A month into dating she was taken to the hospital for emergency surgery and the fear of the unknown and the uncertainty behind if she would be okay led me to feel and believe and know that she was the one for me. I’ve never been so worried for someone as I was in those moments. I wanted to do everything I could to protect her.

Married, 6 months in – We spent all night laughing (the kind that makes your stomach hurt) about something stupid. I had my exams the next day, but that didn’t matter – she was my only priority.

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Married, 1 year in – She was playing with my niece on the playground. Seeing her with my niece, the way she got along with her and played with her, told me was she a keeper.

Engaged, 3 months in – It was my birthday and we planned to spend the day together. I got caught up traveling back from work and she ended up spending the entire day with my family while I wasn’t there. That’s when I knew she was the real deal.

Final Thoughts On Men Sharing The Moment They Knew They Had Found “The One”

Is your heart smiling? Mine is! Remember I asked these 100 guys when they “knew” they had met the one. Any guesses what the majority of them said? 3 months! Over 39% of the men said they knew within 3 months and another 27% said they knew within 6 months. Might be interesting to compare notes, should we ask 100 women? Let me know on Instagram here!