You’ve seen our PUPdate videos, if you haven’t click on the video above to see Theo in all of his 1-year glory. Here’s what I learned about having a dog, what new tricks we’ve taught Theo (and some he still hasn’t caught onto), what the hardest part of being a dog owner is, what we use to groom Theo at home, and even what our experience at the dog park is like.
Our 6 Month Pupdate with Theo has over 75k views on YouTube, so safe to say Theo isn’t just a star in our world – but clearly, that’s what people want to see over my hair tutorials.

Related: Everything You Need To Know Before You Get A Puppy
Having Theo has been a truly transformative experience. We did a lot of research before getting him, but I think that there are certain things that only experience can teach you.
Theo may just be a dog, but I’ve truly gained such an appreciation of all of God’s creations. Theo has hands and feet as we do, he eats and plays as we do, and he is so incredibly expressive. If you make him wait for something for too long he will let out of big sigh out of frustration, he will whine if he can’t have something he wants, and (my favorite) he will actually verbally complain if you ignore him.

No, I’m not kidding – he will actually start dog babbling when he’s upset that someone went past him without properly saying “hi”. It’s hilarious.
Related: How My Dog Taught Me To Be A Better Person
Theo has basic needs like food and water, but also so many other needs like wanting to be cuddled or loved. Just like us, he will have good days and bad days but even on the bad ones – I miss him when he’s not around.
I can’t tell you the feeling of something jumping with literal joy to see you after you get home after a long workday and just wanting to play with you. It’s pretty amazing.